It is Christmas Day. We Year School students gather in the hall for the opening of our Christmas presents from home.
Most of the girls get woolies and warm clothes and chocolates. My Aunt Edith sent me a tin of individually wrapped Chinese preserved plums. She knows they are my favorite. She also writes to say that she knows I am doing well because the school wrote and asked the nuns to “send us more Doreens.”
I have almost no cards or letters from anyone else. But then, I have heard from fewer and fewer friends and then none at all.
Since I learned to conduct Gregorian Chant, I feel that at least I’m doing something specific to this school that few can do. They didn’t bring me here just to do manual chores, even though those are still a large part of my day.
I’ve also done a lot of dancing. I dance at many prayer vigils with themes that include dancers who interpret the theme. Cele is not a conductor, but she is unsurpassed as our star dancer.
We have square dancing on the tennis court (but no tennis ever) when there are a lot of visitors. They put me on the team that demonstrates square dancing to the visitors. I had to learn everything from take your partner and dosado and promenade left and allemande to the Alamo.
Rehearsals are the most fun.
With all that singing and dancing, I still am not in the Music Department. I am not in any department. I am in the House of Joy although I have been moved to a room on the top floor where there is a cupola.
There are two other young women in my room. I think they are junior staff or maybe preparing for the missions. I don’t know because we are usually observing silence when I am up there.
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