25. September 2015 · Comments Off on Working my Way Through · Categories: NMM.Trajectory.

By the time I decide to transfer to this new college, the scholarships have all been given out.   The dean tells me that I can take a competitive test for a scholarship next year.

Most part-time jobs I can get pay pretty much around minimum wage.   Waitressing pays even less, only half as much because they figure in the tips.   But what I earn waitressing depends on where I work and how much effort I put into the job.   It has possibilities.

Muriel helps me find a good restaurant not too far away.   They need help for the dinner hours.   The manager lives nearby.   He throws in the offer to pick me up me on his way to work and drop me off after.

I learn to serve customers, and I make a decent amount of money.  It is a good feeling.

Muriel teaches me how to open a bank account, how to write a check, how to have exact change for the bus, how to buy discounted train tickets, and many other things I should have learned by now.


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